Human Potential

Photo: Vasyl Hnyp

Photo: Vasyl Hnyp

I mean, really, what is your actual human potential?  Does anyone even know?  When you consider the culture that we live in here in the West we have placed so much focus on the limitations we each have and have suppressed what we can strive to be or do.  Let’s be honest here; we are SO easily able to find the weaknesses or things we aren’t good at and truly struggle to tell others what our strengths are.  It’s all too common that the things we do right are completely brushed over for the things that we need to “fix.”

What if rather than focusing attention on what is holding us back, we focus on the things we can become?  What if we focus on what we want and where that will take us, on the things that we know will make us better?  THIS is our potential.  We can be better by making moves toward our potential, but we are held up by our limitations, by giving more focus to the limits.  Don’t get me wrong, it is very important to know what can limit us.  But when focus on limitations is where our energy is spent, we neglect where we can really make strides - POTENTIAL.  

In physics, there’s this term called potential energy.  You may have heard of it.  Oxford defines it as: the energy possessed by a body by virtue of its position relative to others, stresses within itself, electric charge, and other factors.  Let’s think about that when we talk about human potential.  The things that shape our current thought patterns and behaviors are typically results of the people we surround ourselves with, the stress in our life. Our “electric charge” could be compared to the way we see things (giving certain events, situations, etc attention will give that a ‘charge’).  

YOU CAN SHIFT THESE THINGS!  These are all choices that we are making on a daily basis.  Surround yourself with people that make you better, people that support your desires and dreams, people that see your potential.  Confidence will grow in these areas, you will feel it!  Stress is an inevitable part of life, but we can change the way we view it.  We can change the ‘charge’ of it.  Have you ever heard someone talking about something that is massively stressing them out, and you think, “what’s all the fuss about?  That’s nothing.”  Well, that’s because you view that differently.  That same person may say the same about something that causes stress in your world. When we shift the view, we can thrive more, we can see how stress can help us unlock more of our potential.  

Where we allow our mind to go, dictates our emotional response and where we go internally.  Why not focus on where we want to go, our potential rather than what limits us?  So I say really take a look at your potential.  What can you strive for?  How can you succeed better?  What steps can you take to get there?  Turn your focus here and leave the limits for cities and speeds! ;)
