A few weeks ago, I was doing some holiday season shopping at a local store. As you all know, the holidays can be stressful times with people coming in and out to buy gifts for loved ones. It is an amazing time for many people but a tough time for many others.
Anyway, when I go to a checkout counter, I make a point to offer a conversation up to most cashiers. Previously being a cashier at a retail store, I would always note the interactions I had with people and was delighted to get the occasional upbeat customer that would ask of my day and left me with some positive vibes to help me through my day.
So there I was in the checkout line, buying a couple things and as I typically do, I asked her how she was doing and continued in a casual conversation about the holiday season. As she finished checking me out and bagging my goods, I noticed her making her way around the counter that establishes the employee customer boundary. The next thing that happened was amazing. She extends her arms wide and comes in for a HUGE hug. Now, me being a hugger myself, I embrace this random stranger of a person. I was already having a good day, but this random act of kindness sent me into an upward spiral of joy. Sure the hug was great, but the fact that this woman went out of her way to break the social barrier and provide me with a mood altering act, really made my day.
The interactions we are having throughout the course of our day can really matter. The importance of what a simple smile at a random person or the gesture of a simple, “how are you doing?” to someone can alter the course of a day (maybe that’s your own as it was mine). Showing compassion and care for others just gives that ripple of compassion and care and that creates a better world.