This Shit Sucks and That’s OK
This is crazy. We’re literally going through a global pandemic right now. The world is operating differently than I can ever remember in my 35 (almost 36) years. We’re all stuck in our houses “social distancing” (can we just do away with that term and say physical distancing? It feels like you can’t talk to your friends), trying to not spread the virus and staying healthy. And by all means, that is definitely the move, but this shit still sucks.
I applaud all of the people out there posting and writing stuff to keep everyone motivated and positive during this time. It’s inspiring and keeps us all in a good headspace. But I want to tell you, as I constantly tell myself, and all of the people I work with, that acceptance is the first step to alleviation of suffering; accepting that the reality of the situation we’re in is unpleasant. Props to anyone out there that has truly accepted life for what it is right now. It’s freaking tough! Most of the things we’re used to doing are gone, but when we accept this for what it is (shitty), it allows to really move past those feelings. Heck, it took me a solid two weeks to do this!
I mean, hey, maybe we’re just getting a huge lesson right now in emotional discomfort. Many times in life, we experience an emotion and simply push it off, not dealing with the roots of what’s happening with us only to see that situation come back again to bite us in the ass. We all do it. What if we took this situation accepted all the shittiness that comes with it, all the life-altering circumstances, and simply said, “I accept the discomfort that I’m in. I’ll allow it to be and then be able to healthily move past it.” Once we’re able to do this, then we can truly make the best of the current climate. Yes, find those hobbies or projects that you’ve been pushing aside for lack of time. Find time to reevaluate some goals. And honestly, maybe now is the best time to actually do nothing. Rest. Just sit around if you’re a person that’s constantly on the go (definitely not me…insert sarcasm font). You don’t have to do anything. It’s ok to not be motivated. Find a show to watch. Start a meditation practice. Maybe just take some time to read more or stretch your legs or take more walks. Call some friends you’ve been meaning to chat with. Odds are that you’re in a place with someone else, so take some time to learn more about that person or further develop that relationship. If you’re solo, great, take time for self-development. I’ve mentioned this before but in our society, we’ve turned into Human Doings. Maybe it’s time to rediscover how to be a Human Being.